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Ask Dr.Gav recognises the critical nature of the protection of personal data of natural persons, and their lawful and correct processing.
In this context, Ask Dr.Gav complies with the basic principles of processing personal data, respects the rights of natural persons, and ensures that the personal data held by them: collected for specified, explicit and lawful purposes, as reflected in the archive of processing activities, kept and collected with the consent of the natural person where necessary, are processed only for the purposes, for which they have been collected, and/or for legal and regulatory reasons, and/or for the protection of the legitimate interest of Ask Dr.Gav, are not further processed beyond the specified purpose, are appropriate, relevant and limited to indispensable for processing purposes, are subject to lawful processing in accordance with the rights of natural persons, are accurate and updated, when required, and in particular before taking critical decisions on natural persons, are not Kept for a period longer than that required for the purpose of processing and/or for the compliance of Ask Dr.Gav with legal and regulatory obligations, are kept safe from unauthorised access, loss or Destruction shall be transmitted to third parties only on condition that an adequate level of protection is ensured. The above are observed by all employees of Ask Dr.Gav, as well as by third parties who perform personal data processing operations on behalf of individuals.
In order to ensure this, Ask Dr.Gav implements a management system for personal data covering all its activities to monitor and control the implementation of this policy, as well as the evaluation of Effectiveness in compliance with the regulatory framework and best practices for the protection of personal data, applies procedures to fully satisfy the rights of natural persons, clearly informs the Individuals regarding the processing of their data, incorporates the requirements for the management of personal data in all corporate functions and processes related to their processing, has defined roles and responsibilities related to data management, provides clear instructions to staff and third parties who perform work on his behalf for the safe use and transmission of data in accordance with the personal data management system , ensures that the transfer of data to third parties and the processing by them on its behalf is implemented in compliance with the regulatory framework for data protection and this policy, plans, adopts and monitors a  system of indicators and goal for the safe and lawful management of data, invests in the continuous training, awareness and education of its employees in matters of personal data protection, and the continuous improvement of Know-how and its diffusion to all staff, has all the necessary resources for the effective implementation of the personal data management system, has designated a data protection officer, and communicates this policy to all involved to ensure that it is constantly upgraded, in order to achieve full compliance with the current regulatory framework.
Ask Dr.Gav is committed to the continual monitoring and compliance of the regulatory and legislative framework and the continuous implementation and improvement of the effectiveness of the personal data management system.


“Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings”

Publilius Syrus

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